((IMAO because of the Dead Raticade Theory that I believe is Canon you can't stop me- This could also be how Blue and ya met? I dunno whatever you want- )) "E-Excess me!" The Spiky Haired Boy, whom was a Grandson of the Famous Professor Oak, yelled, running up to Chloe, breathing heavily, His Umbreon was by his side, with a concerned and saddened look. "Wh-where's the nearest Pokemon C-Center!? I-I can't find one!" He asked. In his hands he held a mangled body on what seemed to be a Raticade. Some Fur was ripped from it's body as three Scratches were showing. It looked half way torn into two and some of it's Brains were hanging out, Blood dripping onto the Green Grass. At least the twisted, mangled face of the Pokemon was hidden.... Blue looked...shaken up. He was Crying, obviously Traumatised. He was also shaking - shaking as if he got hit by Icy Winds. Here's a bit of Context: He and his Rival, who will be un-named for now, had a Battle on the S.S Ann yet when they got off Radicade just seemed to...'fall out' it's PokeBall, in a way. Tragic stuff... And now he's searching for a Pokemon Center.

@kaede-003 Blue looked around too, "Oh Let's go in a Random Direction!" He told, going left - where Lavender Town would be.

@Nordic_Norway "A-Alright!" Chloe panicked, turning and looking frantically in the other direction.