Question: is there any chance of Japan Enemy of the new world being uploaded here, since that book did have a unique spin to it pitching the whole world against Japan
Sir can you tell me the original author of "The Time I came back to DxD"? I really want to see it but I can't get a hold of it since it wasn't added to your reading list or anything.
May I request for the translation of the following stories
1) The Extermination Fleet: The Three Generals Strike Back (掃滅艦隊 逆襲の三将星)
Author: Blue Flying Clouds (蒼 飛雲)
Status: Main Story (completed)
Additional Notes (completed)
2) A Reiwa historian reincarnated in the Meiji era uses his expertise to rewrite history (明治に転生した令和の歴史学者は専門知識を活かして歴史を作り直します)
Author: Oda Sesson (織田雪村)
Status: Main Story (completed)
Side Story (currently ongoing)
Note: While the main story is completed there is an ongoing side story
3) Reincarnated Hitler saves the world (転生ヒトラー世界を救う)
Author: Takemoto Tajiro (竹本田重郎)
Status: currently ongoing
4) I was reincarnated as a former army genius, so I will win the Greater East Asia War. (旧陸軍の天才?に転生したので大東亜戦争に勝ちます)
Author: Takemoto Tajiro (竹本田重郎)
Status: currently ongoing
I notice that this is a 2021 fic and I notice there is a huge upgrade over the year so is it possible to put it like this?
Existence Value (DxD verse cosmology)
Satan/leader/cadre class: 200,000+
Super/Chief God/heavenly dragon class: 400,000 - 700,000
Dragon God/‘true’ dragon DxD = 750,000 ~ 900,000
ExE/FxF gods = 910,000~990,000