
Thank you for following me :)


Hi to my new friend, too :)


Hi there! Thank you for the follow and the comments on my story. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶❤ 
          I hope you enjoy my other ones too. :D


@kai_lordbish oh thank you! :D yes a lot of people don't know the difference between KakaObi and ObiKaka. (¯∇¯٥) so I think people just tag their stories as both, since some readers don't know or care Lol. I prefer Kakaobi, so you'll see all my stories like that. xD
            Lol and I do like reading smutty books, but I also enjoy stories with good plot and interesting characters. :3


U write the best story and u have a smart mind bc everytime when im reading a kakaobi kakashi's the bottom and im like whaaaaat!!    Bc it says kakaobi that neans kakashi is supposed to be to top.And im like these ppl have np sence dont they see that when kakashi name is at the front of kakaobi that means kakashi's the top!!
            Like jeez ppl dont think!!
            But whatever ur books r amazing and u a have smart and smuty mind. Like me!!
            I love reading smuty books its make me feel alive do u know that feeling?