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So I am now officially working on the Ninth Chapter of A Wolf's Tale!
Chapter Nine - ENTER! The Forest Of Death! Secrets Uncovered!
A little preview -
"So Kabuto this is who you report to then?" I say from my perch in the trees, "I just knew there was something wrong with you."
Kabuto just smirks as his master turns around revieling himself fully. Though his face is different to the picture in the bingo book, but the piercing yellow snake eyes were the same.
"Lucas Namikaze, An honor to meet you at last. I would love to stay and chat but a young boy requires my attentions I'm afriad." Turning round and walking into the shadows of the forest before pausing momentarily, "Although I am sorry Lucas, I can't let you tell anyone about our little secret. Kabuto kill him, but save his body, I might find use for it"
Hope you like the preview and look out for the chapter coming soon!