
One of Nine Update Part One
          	Hi. Just over three years ago, I posted a tik tok video that received some attention both on and off this app. This video was a “trailer” for lack of a better term, for a book I had started writing in 2019, titled One of Nine. Before I get any further into this, I want to apologize and let you know that this is not the update you are probably hoping for but please keep reading!
          	In 2020, after the (mostly) positive reception and multiple requests to share parts of the book were made, I began to publish my rough draft on WattPad and posting on there taught me a lot. Over these last three years I continued working on my novel. I was also in college at the time, and working part time. At the same time I posted about my book, I also decided to switch my area of study. My first two years at college were spent in a major I wasn’t particularly fond of. After some reflection I changed majors and found I had much more passion in school. Which would have been great, but the other areas of my life were unstable. 
          	For starters, there is a pandemic going around that has definitely influenced my life in ways I wish to not yet explore. 
          	I have moved three times in the last three years, destabilizing my sense of being at home and having security. 
          	I have worked three different jobs, trying to find a balance of saving and spending and being able to pay my own bills, sometimes still relying on my parents when times are hard, which I don’t take for granted. 
          	I have fallen in and out of love quite a few times and whether the loss of a love was self-inflicted or a blindside, all were devastating lessons in their own right. 
          	I found new friends, lost a few, and reconnected with old ones. 
          	I got burnt out and decided to take some time away from school in hopes that a break would rekindle that spark for creativity and writing that had been slowly dying over these last three years. 


i hope you’re okay and i’m really proud of you. i love your book sm and i’ve been following you on tik tok since the get go!! please take all the time you need to recenter and we’ll see you when you do xxxx


          	  For over a year now, I feel as though I have been stuck when it comes to this novel, making no substantial, worthwhile progress. I am at a stalemate with this piece of work and for now, I have to throw in the towel. 
          	  It pains me to do this, but I know that not all is lost. I know that I can and will return to this book one day. I know that it will be published in some way shape or form, but I also know that that day is not coming anytime soon. 
          	  This book is far more complex than I have allowed it to be. It handles themes and ideas that demand nuance and precision which I fear are beyond my years of understanding and maturity. I need to step away from it and let it grow into what I know it can be. I am doing this because I know I have the potential to make this novel amazing, but to do that I need to let it rest. I need to let myself rest. 
          	  For three years, I focused nearly all of my creative energy into this project, and while exhilarating at first, it has been draining. I have learned that it is very important to take breaks. Don’t let yourself stretch too thin for the sake of accomplishing what you think others expect of you. 
          	  It’s been about six months since I’ve really worked on One of Nine. After some time away, I have slowly started to be inspired again. However, this inspiration comes with a complete overhaul of what was. The book available on this site is no longer a reflection of my plans. The characters are the same, the setting is the same, however the underlying plot has shifted entirely. 
          	  I am in the very early stages of this new idea but I have a good feeling about this one. I will no longer be posting on TikTok for reasons, so all future updates will be found here. I will do my best to keep you in the loop. 
          	  If you have been here since the beginning or if you joined along the way, thank you. If you care about this book enough to have read all this, thank you so very much and I hope that I can complete this piece for you. You deserve it.


One of Nine Update Part One
          Hi. Just over three years ago, I posted a tik tok video that received some attention both on and off this app. This video was a “trailer” for lack of a better term, for a book I had started writing in 2019, titled One of Nine. Before I get any further into this, I want to apologize and let you know that this is not the update you are probably hoping for but please keep reading!
          In 2020, after the (mostly) positive reception and multiple requests to share parts of the book were made, I began to publish my rough draft on WattPad and posting on there taught me a lot. Over these last three years I continued working on my novel. I was also in college at the time, and working part time. At the same time I posted about my book, I also decided to switch my area of study. My first two years at college were spent in a major I wasn’t particularly fond of. After some reflection I changed majors and found I had much more passion in school. Which would have been great, but the other areas of my life were unstable. 
          For starters, there is a pandemic going around that has definitely influenced my life in ways I wish to not yet explore. 
          I have moved three times in the last three years, destabilizing my sense of being at home and having security. 
          I have worked three different jobs, trying to find a balance of saving and spending and being able to pay my own bills, sometimes still relying on my parents when times are hard, which I don’t take for granted. 
          I have fallen in and out of love quite a few times and whether the loss of a love was self-inflicted or a blindside, all were devastating lessons in their own right. 
          I found new friends, lost a few, and reconnected with old ones. 
          I got burnt out and decided to take some time away from school in hopes that a break would rekindle that spark for creativity and writing that had been slowly dying over these last three years. 


i hope you’re okay and i’m really proud of you. i love your book sm and i’ve been following you on tik tok since the get go!! please take all the time you need to recenter and we’ll see you when you do xxxx


            For over a year now, I feel as though I have been stuck when it comes to this novel, making no substantial, worthwhile progress. I am at a stalemate with this piece of work and for now, I have to throw in the towel. 
            It pains me to do this, but I know that not all is lost. I know that I can and will return to this book one day. I know that it will be published in some way shape or form, but I also know that that day is not coming anytime soon. 
            This book is far more complex than I have allowed it to be. It handles themes and ideas that demand nuance and precision which I fear are beyond my years of understanding and maturity. I need to step away from it and let it grow into what I know it can be. I am doing this because I know I have the potential to make this novel amazing, but to do that I need to let it rest. I need to let myself rest. 
            For three years, I focused nearly all of my creative energy into this project, and while exhilarating at first, it has been draining. I have learned that it is very important to take breaks. Don’t let yourself stretch too thin for the sake of accomplishing what you think others expect of you. 
            It’s been about six months since I’ve really worked on One of Nine. After some time away, I have slowly started to be inspired again. However, this inspiration comes with a complete overhaul of what was. The book available on this site is no longer a reflection of my plans. The characters are the same, the setting is the same, however the underlying plot has shifted entirely. 
            I am in the very early stages of this new idea but I have a good feeling about this one. I will no longer be posting on TikTok for reasons, so all future updates will be found here. I will do my best to keep you in the loop. 
            If you have been here since the beginning or if you joined along the way, thank you. If you care about this book enough to have read all this, thank you so very much and I hope that I can complete this piece for you. You deserve it.


          I found you on TikTok a while ago and I finally had a chance to get on here to read your book. You actually inspired me to take a leap and publish my own story on here. I’ve already read a few chapters of One of Nine and I am in love with your writing. Can’t wait to see the updates to your story!!


Hi @kaitmeyerr,
          Any updates on One of Nine?


            I’m still working on draft two right now. This semester in school kind of kicked my ass and I put my writing on pause for almost a month. Just recently got back in the swing of things though! Don’t worry, it’s still in the works, and hopefully in the early new year I will be ready to start contacting agents. 
            Thanks for your continuous support! 


Long awaited (quick) update: 
          -One of Nine draft one is done! 
          -Now I’m working on draft two which is meant to be my final. 
          -Currently in the process of finding literary agents 
          Long awaited (longer) update: 
          If y’all thought the first draft was good oh man are you in for a treat. The difference I can see just between the first chapter of the first draft and the first chapter of the second draft is astronomical. Because of that, I was thinking that maybe I could post the first ten (rewritten) chapters again. 
          I know it’s not super exciting to read the same story again but this isn’t the same story anymore. It has transformed and become so much better and I want to share that with you guys. If you’re interested in reading the new draft, just comment under here and if I get some positive responses I’ll definitely post my new stuff. 
          I know I’ve been MIA for a while, but I’m still here, working, and dedicated to this book so that one day all of you can read it. 
          Much love, 


Definitely would read it ❤️


Hi @kaitmeyerr, 
          just want to let you know that I am loving One Of Nine. Your writing style is amazing and is really captivating. I asked these questions on TikTok but maybe you didn’t see because you must be so busy but, have you finished writing One Of Nine yet? Have you found a publisher? Do you have a release date? Where will we be able to purchase the hard copy of the book? And finally how many books are you planning on writing for this story?
          Thank you for bringing me a little bit of happiness in these tough times. I don’t know what I would do without this book  ❤️❤️


Ok great Thank you so much for responding❤️ Take all the time you need xx


            No I have not finished writing it yet. I am currently a college student and I also have a job so a majority of my time goes towards that. However in the limited free time that I do have, I work on this book.  
            I don’t have a publisher yet but I’ve connect with some other published authors and they gave me resources for when I am ready to do that. 
            No release date 
            Hopefully one day, a hard copy of One of Nine will be released. It’s my number one goal to publish this book. 
            I have two books planned for this series. 
            I’m really glad you liked it! 


I already asked you in a comment on one of the pages of One of Nine but you might not see it, so I’ll ask here :) Are you looking for editors for One of Nine, either currently or sometime in the future? Because I’d love to help!


I already have an editor for Act 1 but I might look for a few more for acts 2 and 3 