


Hi, I would like to inform you, that my old acc. ( the one you followed?) 'XheLuniaoux'. I have lost connection with it, you can unfollow that account and follow my current one (this)dddddddxxxxxxxxxxxxxddddddddddddddxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxddddddddddddxxxxxxxxxxxxdddddddddddddxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Hey! When will you be updating My Salvation? :) 
          I really really love it!! :D and its a cliffhanger and i really want to know what will happen lol :P
          Please please update it soon xxxxxxx


I'm planning on updating tomorrow actually! I'll try my best, the chapter is already written I just need to finish the one after that to make sure I have something written for after because I don't want to be awful on updating!C: x


Guys! I'm soooo bad at updating it's unreal! I had no internet on most of the weekend and on Sunday (The day I was meant to update) I dropped my phone and smashed it, the new chapter is stored on it and it's now being fixed so I can't update it until I get my phone back, sooooooo sorry guys x