all righty.
so, on St. Patricks day - this is the ironic part of the story because the day is supposed to bring you luck and my day was the complete opposite of lucky - my mother ordered me to go grocery shopping with her. I left my computer running with everything fine and dandy and we left.
When we returned, I discovered my computer was no longer reading my flashdrive. I figured a restart would fix it back up.
long story short, it didn't.
everything that I had on that flashdrive is irretrievable - therefore all the stories that were on it and are not posted here are consequently gone permanently. Don't Forget is gone, for instance, and a couple other stories that I removed a while back. No Post Offices in Heaven, I do believe, and War Heart (if any of you even remember those two, I wrote War Heart in like 2011 and No Post Offices in Heaven over a year ago)
basically I am just informing you that my stories may be quite slow on updating for a while because all the progress I had is now gone and it makes me want to cry for like a year