Haven't logged in for a while, I was suddenly remembering OIANL :') Gosh the way life gets in the way sometimes, there's been no updates for almost 2 years! Hope you guys are keeping well.
Haven't logged in for a while, I was suddenly remembering OIANL :') Gosh the way life gets in the way sometimes, there's been no updates for almost 2 years! Hope you guys are keeping well.
Once in a Nightlight is coming to an end within a few more chapters or so, but I have another story brewing in the background! Updates on OIANL will be slow while I work on the few chapters of the new upcoming story ✍ (spoiler it’s still httyd)
Sorry if you keep getting the same message over again. For some reason I can't see the messages I send you. But if you don't repeatedly see my messages, then how are you currently? Are you still working on "Once in a Nightlight"?
Hey? Hows it been going? How goes the writing? Can we expect any chapters to come soon? I, including many others, no doubt, are very anxious for more chapters to this great story.