
Hey everyone I am currently in Washington D.C for the weekend so if I don’t post the next chapter that’s why. I got a lot of pictures I went to a special place so if you want to see them I will be posting them on my Instagram’s which you can follow. Kamala_harris.49  and Joseph_biden.46 


@kamaladougDaddyjoe have fun and enjoy your stay! 


Hey everyone I am currently in Washington D.C for the weekend so if I don’t post the next chapter that’s why. I got a lot of pictures I went to a special place so if you want to see them I will be posting them on my Instagram’s which you can follow. Kamala_harris.49  and Joseph_biden.46 


@kamaladougDaddyjoe have fun and enjoy your stay! 


Hello I first want to say thank you for all the love and support on my Joe fanfics I will not doing them anymore. And will be deleting them soon…. But as you see my name has changed. That means I will be doing Kamala and Doug fanfics now that doesn’t mean I don’t like joe anymore it’s just I want a Change. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you understand. Have a good night and be ready for the first fanfic of Kamala and Doug to come out soon…!!!!!