
so the rest of the first part of the one i’m working on why did u cheat on me the other part im finally working on nd im so sorry for nt posting it tbh 


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yo i was writing a new book right so i was going have kam nd doug get a divorce and he ends up dead nd his family ends up hating her for everything and she was going be alone until she seen this girl name let’s say arianna and they started talking and dating and i thought about it and said fuck nah cuz i don’t want my shit on the web frfr


yea cuz it’s way to many stories about her cheating or him cheating on her and stuff and i said her life nd jod going be a living nightmare cuz doug is a peace of work in some of them he be clocking her tea fr 


@kamalaismybaendwife lol...I was so confused when I read the text