
To whoever may be interested, I have been thinking  about starting another story, but what in the world should it be about? Thank you all for reading my current story. ALMOST TO 1K VIEWS!!! OMG I JUST REALIZED......SHOULD I CELEBRATE WHEN I REACH THAT GOAL?!


@Emo_Animator  Dude shut up, I'm gonna seriously strangle you when I see you again


To whoever may be interested, I have been thinking  about starting another story, but what in the world should it be about? Thank you all for reading my current story. ALMOST TO 1K VIEWS!!! OMG I JUST REALIZED......SHOULD I CELEBRATE WHEN I REACH THAT GOAL?!


@Emo_Animator  Dude shut up, I'm gonna seriously strangle you when I see you again


So sorry about the major delay of Tough Tav,  but now its up, and I personally think that thats "Bitchtits wicked of me" considering the fact that i am on punishment and i am writing  this whenever i get my filthy paws on an electronic device.  Thanks 4 all the support! }:o)


Hey guys, I decided to make another book!  It is probably because I am getting so mich inspiration from so many amazing authors. They are one-shots. Homestuck of course!  
          I probably suck since this is my first time with One-shots,... but I CAN DO THISSSSS
          I hope you like it,  I started out simple,  and I already have two more prepared. 
          Hint Hint: Stridercest and 1cest(Summoner x Tavros) 
          Thank you everyone for reading my first,  Tough Tav
          Love Ya };o)


Hey I noticed you commented on my story Once Upon A Time... but for some reason the comment won't load.... would you mind telling me what you commented?


@awkwardPi  It wAs eNcOuRaGeMeNt... I DoNt wRiTe aNy sToRyS MySeLf aNd gAmTaV Is oNe oF My fAvOrItE ShIpS... pLeAsE CoNtInUe tHe sToRy sOoN