
WHATS UP BITCHES. IM BACK FOR LIKE THE NEXT 10 MINUTES. i do plan on continuing my writing career, but everything im my life is currently preventing that. I will probably finish up my book, and maybe start another or 5 idk im havin some good ideas atm. Love yall. Hope ur safe.


WHATS UP BITCHES. IM BACK FOR LIKE THE NEXT 10 MINUTES. i do plan on continuing my writing career, but everything im my life is currently preventing that. I will probably finish up my book, and maybe start another or 5 idk im havin some good ideas atm. Love yall. Hope ur safe.


W E L L. I haven't been on in a long time. Sorry, I have been dealing with some personal stuff. I have started a new book that is still in writing/editing. I will have it finished soon. I will also be updating Man of Stitches when I have time. It has kinda been put on hold momentary. 
          Hope everyone has a good day!


THIS IS SERIOUS! Everyone, for the love of fandoms please sign this petition!!! https://www.change.org/p/european-parliament-stop-the-censorship-machinery-save-the-internet/w?source_location=psf_petitions_controller
          Check out the book that can give you more information its called, Article 13  #protectyourcommunity). Please!!!


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