Yesterday an important man in my life died. I never realized it until yesterday, though, that I didn't know that much about him. I never knew his favorite food, flower, restaurants, song, band, or his favorite TV show (he watched a ton of them, so I don't know exactly which one was his favorite). But I did know that he was a great man. He knew he had flaws, and he tried his best to correct them. He had many people who loved and cared for him, and he always brought a smile to everyone or laughs to fill the room. He was an important part of my life because never let me get a sense of entitlement. He let me know I had to earn what I want, and he never just gave it to me for free. He taught me so much history as well, just facts I never thought I would need, but I paid attention and I learned from him because he made it interesting. I learned some skills in life to help me out, like how to use tools to repair and build. I've obtained so much knowledge from this man, from my grandfather, and I'm so sad to see him go. I always knew this day was coming, and it saddens me to realize that the day is here when I officially have to go on with the rest of my life without him. RIP Oldwolf (my granddad) 1949-2017