
Ok I know I haven’t made any new chapters but that’s because of a very long writers block-
          	I’ve decided to take down female Mikaelson sooner or later and replace it with a reboot! All the same things just a few different tweaks anddd a black oc! And she’ll be a Bennett instead of a Mikaelson!


Ok I know I haven’t made any new chapters but that’s because of a very long writers block-
          I’ve decided to take down female Mikaelson sooner or later and replace it with a reboot! All the same things just a few different tweaks anddd a black oc! And she’ll be a Bennett instead of a Mikaelson!


I’ve noticed that Female Mikaelson is a total mess and I’m gonna save up for a new laptop fr and fix it but for now I’ll be using my phone to update any chapters and make some new ones wit what I know because since I took so long of a break I’m slowly getting back into my comfort shows and books!


Hey guys..I know I’ve been gone for like a long time . Me being slow I broke my laptop and I’ve just started high school so things will be moving slow. And before I left I had readers block for Female Mikaelson which you all like, I will try to make some updates and fix my books that are laptop made so people with phones can understand the aesthetic better as well. And new chapters and updated aesthetics will be coming soon just give me some time! I appreciate the notifications that I’ve gotten while I was gone and how much you guys like my book and your opinions!! Until next time byee!!