
Ok I made a book please I you are interested please check it OUT 


So dan form danplan is an idiot if he apologizes Steven and make it right I might just start walking danplan I would love to watch it because of HOSA but I can't because Stevens not going to be there it's not going to the same I am beyond pissed off right now how could you say that to a friend I just really hope he doesn't turn into a villain like he betrays in his videos


@kanatoandTaddy  Hey, I'm back, after Dying in Wattpad I'm back. Only on Websites cuz' my mom hates Wattpad. I want to Defend Dan, but your Right, he just needs To appologize. Danplan originated as something He and Hosuh did. Stephen just tagged along. On that time Stepen Tagged along their Channel Changed, their Subs Multiplied, but it's not just because of Dan, Hosuh or Stephen. They all Contributed to the fame. They all just Matched Perfect. Dan being a hardworker, doing his all to please his fans, Hosuh the cute loveable one everyone just wants to hug, and Stephen, with his Laid-Backness and Cool Persona. They matched PERFECTLY. It's all their Faults. Hosuh For inviting him in the first place, Dan for being Beyond Toxic, and Stephen for being consumed by his wants and Staying.
               In the end of the day, they're Like a band. They won't stay Happy Dandy till' the ends of time. We're all human (I hope). We have Our Pride, our Wants our Needs, Egos, Purposes, and maybe they were a good match. Just not ment to stay together that long. As they say, Oppisites attract, but don't stay forever.
              Its better to let them be human, feel pain and Grow.
              In the end of the day we, the fans Should have no word in this, its Just them being them.
              Also, hope you're having a good day Kanato, wherever in the world you are.


Hello wanna be friends? I'm hell bored. 


I just sent you a message


@KayKay_Chan. Private message that's what it means also I love comics