

It's almost 2015!!! I hope that it will be a good year for everyone and that you don't eat to much while you celebrate ( we have to remain pretty/handsome for our oppas/unnies/noonas). I'll try to update more frequently in 2015. Anyways I hope that everyone will stay healthy (or will become if you're not already) and happy! 새복 많이 받으세요!!!


Hi~ This is LuFiBaek73, this ia my first account. I just read through comments in 'Mr. Overdose Chu'. I just wanted to tell you I'm remaking it ans change the title into 'Love Spring' you can comment and vote your exopink and bangtanpink couples and comment up a girl group as a villain! I hope you read it if you dont mind ^_^ Sorry for everything that I've done =~=V