
hmu on @cloutuzi 


My bramhs cereal box <3
          Lemme just quickly say how very cute you and how very much i miss you. 
           I hope you know how very damn special you are too me and even though youre not here id just go read our chats and act as if you were here (: i hope youre safe and alive wherever you are. Also i hope you know that no matter what im here for you, waiting for you. Youre such a blessing to my life, every single thing You've done for me, ive got saved at the back of mind. 
          I mean how can you mean so much to me already? 
          How can you make me smile so quick? 
          How can you make me so soft? (Even though I'm not a softi but you make me one). 
          Yeah i hope you and i have many more days,weeks,months together. 
          Even before we started dating you already had me. 
          You'd always have me. 
          I love you lots.
          I miss you so much so please come back to me.


Happpppppppppppy One Month babyyyyyyyyyyyyy <3 


I love you <3


Thank you for making me smile with almost every word you say. 


Thank you for being so frikken sweet and cute. 