
Changing accounts new one I don't know yet 


@karasherpa aye it's me em the new account :)


Hi beautifuls I'm not going to be online most of the day sorry its bc I'm going to a water park the whole day and then staying over night and stuff like that so sorry love you guys stay strong peace out peeps
          ~ love Em


Thank you for voting for my story. I hope you like it so far. If you are up to the part of the book where I haven't been updating in a while, well I just updated another chapter. Go read it if you would like if not that's totally fine. 
          Thank you again 


@baby_johnson np i like it i vote so yea and you can pm me if u want mostly if your bored you can pr wahtever


Thank you for voting for it. I really appreciate it 


200 followers omg thank you all of you every single one of you who followed me are so special and unique I give you a hug and chocolate I love every single one of you and I will be reading your stories and commenting and voting just give a little time but once summer is over I'm not going to be updating or even on wattpad as much cause I will have homework,studying,sports,band rehearsal,singing lessons, learning how to play piano, and learning how to skate board bc I want to learn how so bad it seems fun but I'm the other side I'm going to be in a struggle with everything but I will try and if you need me don't be afraid to PM me I don't bite and I know how it's feels to have a crappy day so if you need some one to come complain to I will be here even if I'm busy there's always time to help you guys if you need me so yea I got too go bye love you peeps


Será que você poderia dar uma chance a minha nova história ? Ela se chama de "Limerence" e já possui 2 capítulos.
          Espero que goste e que possa continuar acompanhando Malia O'Connor em seu novo lar, o Palácio Vermelho.
          "Um mundo.
          Quatro elementos.
          Três reinos.
          Será mesmo que os opostos se atraem?"


@damnkaks i cant understand it sorry not be rude i can only read english 