My Spotify wrapped
Total listening time: 30,887 minutes
Day with the most listening: July 15th, 325 minutes
Listened to 561 songs this year
Most streamed song: Loser, baby, streamed it 279 times putting me in the top 0.005% of listeners worldwide (As I should be.)
Top five songs in order:
Loser, baby
They’re only human
Stayed Gone
January was my ‘McBling Hollywood Pop phase’
March was my ‘Nerdy Actor theatre’ phase
June was my ‘Otherkin Parody Nerdcore’ phase
I listened to 468 artists
My most streamed artist was Sam Haft, 4,558 minutes of listen time putting me in the top 0.05% of his listeners worldwide, and my longest listening streak was 21 days
Top five artists in order:
Sam Haft
Andrew Underberg
Lydia the Bard