
this message may be offensive
The devil has been real busy these days. First Mac Miller passing, this whole Cardi vs. Nicki thing, Lil Xan & Noah shit, now someone passes away at Ski Mask's concert? Tf is going on? Smh


Hi again. Thank you for being willing to write another imagine for me. So I've been putting a lot of thought into how I want this imagine to be, so this is what I came up with. I want me and one of the MB boys to be two completely different people but I want us to be so alike at the same time. I want both of us to be in two separate clans. I want our clans to be rivals and have a history of battles and disagreements. Both me and the MB boy are secretly dating and are always sneaking around to see each other even though dating someone from the rival clan is forbidden. Both of our clans soon go to war because both of our leaders find out that we're together and me and the MB boy are the only ones who can stop the war, along with some precious love making of course *wiggles eyebrows*. So yeah,  and I keep saying MB boy because I dont know which mindless boy I want in the imagine. So imma just let you surprise me with which ever mindless boy you want to put in the imagine. Please let me know if you can do this (which I have faith that you can) and thanks again.


Ok that's fine I understand and I was kinda thinking about prodigy or Ray Ray


@_wildcrazyfun_ And also I see you're still having some trouble deciding which one cause let's face it...I am too lol ^_^ But there's also the old MB as well (I was gonna bring them back for the story anyway) but you can also choose one of them as well.


@_wildcrazyfun_ Okay I see. But see that I actually wrote an imagine similar to this one already, I'm gonna have to change it up a bit. I don't yours to just seem like a repeat of another cause I want it to be more original. But I do have some ideas as well as tests coming up but I will get started asap.


Hi Karen , 
          You don’t know me at all but I’ve been a fan of your book “Disturbia”. I’ve deleted the Wattpad app and everything, but I really love that book so I came back to see your progress. I’m glad to see your still updating it, and active. I can’t wait until your finish. I’ll always be a supporter!
          ~ Lex


            Hi Lex, omg thank you so so so much I'm honestly at a loss for words at the moment. I feel so blessed and grateful that you even remembered that dumb old story lol. I really wasn't sure if I was gonna even finish it, but something just told me that I can't just not finish it cause we've come so far ya know? But honestly for the bottom of my heart I am more than grateful for the love and the support! I will most definitely finish it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! ~❤


Hi. Remember me? Yes. No. Okay. If you don't, let me refresh your memory. Im Sherita and you wrote that amazing 2 part imagine of me and Ej. So, I was just scrolling through Wattpad and I ran up on your mindless behavior imagines and I read the one about me and Ej. Once again, I became entranced. I don't want to sound greedybut may you do another imagine for me? I have this really good idea and I think that you will be able to take this idea to a whole other level, just like you did with the imagine with me and Elijah in Pompeii. Please let me know if you can.


Ok that's fine. You're welcome and thank you for doing the imagine for me.


@_wildcrazyfun_ That sounds amazing and I think I've already got some ideas on that is gonna go down, very excited! If you'll please pardon me though cause you've caught me in the middle of finishing a chapter of my book which I'm nearly done with. But I've already started the intro to yours and as soon as I get done updating this chapter I'll publish yours ^_^ Thanks again for requesting!!!! 


Hey again. So i have the idea for the imgine. So i want the imagine to be with me and Mike. I want it to be based off of Chris Browns song Don't Wake Me Up. I want the imagine to be just like the lady stated at the beginning of the video:"Dearly beloved, if this love only exists in my dreams....dont wake me up." But in this imagine, i want to wake up one day and end up seeing Mike and realizing that he's the guy from my dreams. And i want Mike to recognize me from his dreams too. I also want me and Mike to get freaky in both of our dreams and in reality.


Thank you so much I absolutely loved it. I was kinda surprised that you did it so soon especially when you told me you were working on other things. I love Kalin so that imagine was perfect to me. If I’m not troubling you I would like either a part 2 to that imagine or another one entirely sometime in the future. Thanks again it was amazing.


@karenmisfit That’s okay and thanks again I loved it so much you never disappoint. Just know in the future I’ll be asking for another imagine lol


@RocRoyalSexxii thanks and no problem. And yeah I just thought it best to get your imagine and the other reader's done so I can focus on the other stories I need to update. But yeah I think since posion girl was so complexed, I think its okay as it is. It might be a while before I do others cause of my collabs. But I'm glad you liked it. It was fun!


Has enough time gone by for me to request another imagine?


@karenmisfit lol thanks you’re the best and you know how I like the freaky/romantic ones


@RocRoyalSexxii Oh yeah Kalin yeah I know of him! I didn't really listen to a lot of their music but yeah I've heard of them lol. But I'll be more than down to do it. In fact I've already got some ideas pending 


@karenmisfit  Well you know me and how I would love a Princeton imagine again but I think I want something different this time. I don’t know if you know who he is but I would love a Kalin White imagine. In case you don’t know he used to be in this group called Kalin and Myles but he went solo last year. It would be awesome if you could surprise me with an imagine of him.....if you want any more info just ask me.


Wassup everyone! Damn it's been ages since I wrote on here I feel like lol. Anyway I just finished writing a chapter of Disturbia so please please please go check it out in your spare time!! It's a bit long but please bare with me and don't forget to tell me what you think. My ears are open to ALL comments!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! ^_^