
Hilariously have already figured out what I'm going to be doing for Deadly Allure's sequel, prequel, spinoff, and the spinoff's sequel and prequel but am so stuck in getting through this next chapter, hopefully new chapter coming soon so I can bring my ideas all to light!


Hilariously have already figured out what I'm going to be doing for Deadly Allure's sequel, prequel, spinoff, and the spinoff's sequel and prequel but am so stuck in getting through this next chapter, hopefully new chapter coming soon so I can bring my ideas all to light!


The next chapter of Deadly Allure is almost done!  This one’s looking like it’s going to be a bit longer… I’m already at the word count I would normally consider a chapter done by but there’s still some more I’d like to push into it so not only am I double updating, I’m double updating with added words!  The content of this chapter will be exciting for most!


Currently working on chapters 10 and 12 for Deadly Allure!  Chapter 10 is pretty much complete, I just need to go back on the movie to double check accuracy and nuances, chapter 11 is complete, and chapter 12 is in the works so hopefully tonight I’ll be able to publish all 3 chapters in one go!


@LeonaPink11 I was able to get 10 and 11 up!


@karissa71224 I hope you can! I’m really loving it!!