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Fart sound effect extra reverb. Okay y'all take a seat and let me complain because I need to. My ass hurts. It hurts in a way that you would think is hilarious at first. It hurts in a way that gradually seems to get worse and grinds my will to physically exist to an even smaller grain of sand than it already was. It hurts in a way that makes it difficult to even think nsfw things because it makes the pain more focused and heightened. My ass hurts. Long story short I fell down some stairs and either bruised or broke my tailbone. Whichever it is, it hurts to the point that I can't even sit still without hurting. I can't stand without hurting. I can't lay down without hurting. If you've ever had h3m3rr01ds picture that but 50x worse, and worse than that when you move the wrong way. You don't realize how important your tailbone is until you find you've taken it for granted. Just laying here I feel like crying. It's so constant. The only relief I can find is huge horsepill sized advil and that's only for a few hours. It feels like someone stabbed the very top of my ass crack with a tiny pocketknife and then the blade broke off and stayed there. I crave death.