
So I had an art idea and it ended up turning into me creating my own cover for Siren Song that I could use for online publication! It's not much, but I ended up loving it! Who knows if I'll ever use it, but y'all can see it here! ❤️


it’s so beautiful!!


So I had an art idea and it ended up turning into me creating my own cover for Siren Song that I could use for online publication! It's not much, but I ended up loving it! Who knows if I'll ever use it, but y'all can see it here! ❤️


it’s so beautiful!!


          Hi, angels! If you see my stories disappear from your libraries, that’s for a reason, but there’s no need to worry. Since I’ve found myself noticing issues with my consistency and motivation, I’ve decided to work on writing ‘Siren Song’ as a full manuscript (at least with solid drafts) before I publish anything on here. With that being said, I’ll still be here to read your stories and support you, and I may end up posting fanfic if I find the time and inspiration! I don’t know how long it’ll be before ‘Siren Song’ is back, especially with my disability worsening and classes beginning again next month, but I hope you’ll stick around and see for yourselves! Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️


            YAY, OMG, I CAN'T WAIT ❤️❤️❤️
            Also, TYSM!!! ☺️


@karlachslove // take all the time you need!! we'll all be here to read your awesome stories because you're also awesome and so cool!!
            side note: but i might be making a come back too with writing fics on here so it'll be nice seeing you update in real time rather than go awol and come back eons later xD
            GODSPEED MY FELLOW WRITER *salutes*


This presidential election is giving me so much damn anxiety. Existing as a queer, trans, and disabled person in the US is terrifying right now, especially considering how many conservatives are rallying around the shooting today.


@karlachslove / wait wHAT? that is... quite the plot twist


            A registered Republican, apparently. Who knows what was going through his head.


@karlachslove / yeah idk who thought trying to turn trump into a martyr was a good idea 


Listen, there are things to love about all of the BG3 companion ships, but I've chosen my favorite combination: Halstarion, Bladeweave, and Shadowzelach. Traumatized vampire gets soft, protective bear druid, the two hopeless romantic theatre boys get to awkwardly flirt, and the three kickass women in the party all fall in love. It's my new favorite thing. ❤️


          Hey, loves!!! I'm teaching a summer music camp for a bunch of middle- and high-schoolers this week, so I probably won't be active much, but I've actually had a bunch of new thoughts for "Siren Song" that I wanted to throw out to y'all! Firstly, I've recast several secondary characters with new, more fitting FCs, so you can find those in the cast list that's already up! I also attempted to write the prologue as something entirely new, but that didn't feel quite right, so instead, I'll be publishing a rewritten version of the original sometime soon. Finally, since my werewolf character, Kaiden, didn't seem to have much in terms of character development yet, I've actually decided to go a new route and give them a disability similar to mine. It won't be the center of their story, naturally, since that doesn't fit the plot, or frankly, the IRL experience of a disabled person, but I think it adds a lot of depth and makes me even more excited to explore their character! Thanks so much to all of you who've been keeping up with this journey, especially those who have been there since the beginning! Love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Me, a bipolar person, one day after publishing something: IDK, maybe I should just take it down. Yes? No? Maybe? AGH.


            Thank you so much, Em!!! This means the world! ☺️❤️


this is completely understandable and valid to feel, HOWEVER your writing is fantastic and i enjoy reading all of your works. ❤️