⚠️REMINDER ⚠️ This account will be deleted tomorrow at 4:00 exactly! On Friday the 14th to be exact! If you want to read the books previously published on this account go to shigaraki_lover_0000! They will be on that account soon!
Reading Lists
⚠️REMINDER ⚠️ This account will be deleted tomorrow at 4:00 exactly! On Friday the 14th to be exact! If you want to read the books previously published on this account go to shigaraki_lover_0000! They will be on that account soon!
⚠️REMINDER ⚠️ This account will be deleted tomorrow at 4:00 exactly! On Friday the 14th to be exact! If you want to read the books previously published on this account go to shigaraki_lover_0000! They will be on that account soon!
Hello! My new account is shigaraki_lover_0000 I can't remember if the (s) is capitalized or not but when you search for the account it should still show up either way. I'll be checking this account daily till Friday, February 15th at 4:00 which is when I'll delete this account like I said in my last post, if your wondering where my books are I deleted them from this account but sadly I was an idiot and didn't make a post in my books to let my readers that don't follow me know about what I'm doing so hopefully they will find my books when I publish them on my other account. And for if anyone can't remember the names of my books I'm going to make another post with the list of the names and covers to make it easier to find
some of my books covers will most likely be different due to me forgetting to save the covers but idk yet
Hey guys! So I'm going to delete this wattpad account and make a new one but don't worry I'm going to put my books onto the new one. I'm making a different account just incase if my nana goes through my phone since she's like super super Christian and overly paranoid and dramatic and would kill me if she saw the books I have read on here like I have a better chance of surviving if she goes through my physical books and there all dark romance and have smut in them sooooo..just in case I'm making a new account and I'll re post my books on there. Im gonna delete this account after my other one is set up so I can put my username here for you guys, I'll delete this one on Friday, February 15th at 4:00 pm exactly! So you guys have all week to check my posts on this account and get my new username for my new account! Since I know not everyone including myself aren't on wattpad every day. Have a great week!
@karmabich_0000 yup! I'm about to make a post on what my new account username is so when you get the notification you can just ignore it unless you wantto know the extra info
Hey guys sorry for not updating I haven't had the energy to do much of anything since I have the flu and family issues my mom got arrested for enabling child abuse she did anything like that she's the sweetest and I know she didn't do that cause she is so protective of kids and would never do that but since she's in jail and has been for a few days I haven't been in the best mental state along with being sick and on my period and I had to move to stay with my Nana in the mean time and she doesn't have the best internet but luckily I have a Wi-Fi box my school sent me since I'm home schooled so i can still post and do school and all that but due to my bad mental state and my Nana being more clingy and observant since I'm sick and me missing my mom so much I can't be on wattpad or edit much on my laptop cause she likes to make sure I'm actually doing my work and my personal laptop and school lap top are obviously different so it's hard to actually get any writing done so it'll probably be while for updates but hopefully I'll be able to get some out cause the only reason im able to post this right now is cause she left the house for a bit to run some errands but I'll do my best to update and please pray for my mom cause she's having withdrawals from not getting her one medicine in jail and she's not doing to good so just pray she gets put soon and everything goes well
I need your opinion.. I am about to write a AizaBaku/AiBaku story.. should I just do it?
@karmabich_0000 I'm going to tell you a little bit of how I'm planning on writing it! It's named "Teacher's pet". For now it might be changed! Aizawa is a villain. It's mature and Bakugo is Toga's little brother. I can't think of anything else right now.. I'll probably tell you more if I remember.
@Ell_133 absolutely! There's very few aibaku story's only about four or five that I know of currently so it'd be awesome for you to do one! Once it's posted I'd love to promote it to on my story's to if you want! And I can't wait to read it!
names in haunting katsuki will probably be different than last time since I don't know where my papers are at that who's who so some things will be different but the story itself will be the same and this time I'm going to make digital notes for it instead of on paper that way I don't lose it or get them mixed up I currently have chapters 1-6 done but I still have to edit them and I think I'm going to post five chapters at once as I finish them that way you guys have plenty to re-read or read while I'm doing the other chapters, if you didn't read it the first time I wrote it I'm going to republish hunting katsuki after haunting katsuki is finished and after I know that at least most of every one that's reading is caught up ill start updating hunting katsuki just let me know a that your all caught up then ill start updating it again after I finish haunting katsuki.
theres so many writeing mistakes in this but along as you get somewhat of what I said its fine
Haunting Katsuki is now being rewriten!!!!! first chapter should be out soon!
As some or most of you know I took a long break from wattpad but I'm back now!! Updates will be slow but hopefully not as slow as they where when wattpad decided it was an awesome idea to take down haunting katsuki and forcing me to completly rewrite it which will take a long while since I'm super busy and I still have to update my shigabaku book (not the oneshot book the other one I forgot it's name) but hopefully I'll be able to multi task and get everything done quickly but I doubt it but on a good note before I took my break I was working on a new book! It is one you all have read already but I have rewritten and changed its name if I remember correctly but I do know I rewrote it some things are still the same I believe but it's still kinda like a brand new book and hopefully I'll be able to publish the first or second chapter soon since I wrote both of them already on my computer I still need to charge it and go over everything and do some editing if I need to and it'll be one I wrote completely by myself other than some inspiration from a few books I've read physically instead of taking them and rewriting it into a fan fiction about dekubaku or shigabaku and I still kinda want to make my own characters for it but idk if I will or just make it my normal fan fiction but it'll most likely be a fanfic. So I decided to do a vote for if I should republish haunting katsuki one chapter at a time as I finish them or all at once. Vote for one at a time and for all at once after I finish the entire book I also decided to do a vote for if I should make my own characters or do a mha fanfic for the new book. Vote ☕ if you want me to make characters for it or if I should do mha for it And comment if I should do dekubaku or shigabaku for it of you want it to be mha
@Ell_133 I love reading aibaku but idk about writing it and so fer I got one vote for Dekubaku and one for shigabaku that's from you so I'm gonna give it like week maybe to see which one gets the most votes
@Mackcece7 it'll probably be while cause I have to re write haunting katsuki since wattpad deleted it
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