
Chrollo x OC fanfiction with a strong female lead.


I literally saw authors that have a 'dont interact list' with 'white people' written down on it.
          Like, it would be racist but since it is against white people, it suddenly isn't anymore? Humankind is strange


@ TheWaystone  Thank you for the long text, not agreeing with ctr either but definitely with your personal opinion! I also can understand when people of color are weary of white people because of their bad experiences, but some poc out there are really really toxic and being a part of the problem instead of making it better. Just find this devasting and how many other people support it


@karmaprada Sorry, this going to be long.
            It is because of the Critical Race Theory (CRT). According to CRT, people who are systemically discriminated against (minorities) could never be racist towards people who benefit from the system (majorities). 
            It also says that people who benefit from the system are inherently racist no-matter what. No ‘redemption’ from it, only condemnation. A white baby would be considered racist by this definition. 
            I really don’t agree with CRT, but I do agree that the American System does benefit me (I’m white/white-passing).
            Personally, I believe there are two forms of Racism. The first is Systemic; the American system is prone to being bias towards white/white-passing people, and bias against POC and minorities. This is a HUGE issue that will take some time to dismantle and restructure, but it is a very possible undertaking. The second form is Interpersonal; the racism and bias we exhibit within personal relationships or small communities (school, workplace, neighborhoods, towns). 
            We (white/white-passing) have the responsibility of using our privilege to manage Interpersonal Racism we see on a small scale. We ALSO have a chance to use it against the System, though it’ll take a group effort. 
            Thanks all I really have to say on the subject ;; 



@ lxucksknows  I unpublished the chapter because i need to get some Infos right at first before publishing it again


@karmaprada I- uh...im speechless, what happened to the old wattpad that was fun and everyone got along with safe books. Istg thsi generation is slowly failing.



@karmaprada Thank you for spreading awareness as always. This isn’t okay at all.


Lmfao I literally don't understand this author. She apologized two times when the discussion was but now says in her book that she isn't sorry/doesn't need to apologize. After I asked her about this, she just muted me 
          And she's wondering why so many people get at her bruh


@ damnallgoodnamesgone  bruh wHa- for real??? And Wattpad still keeps this account up but decides to take others down smh


@karmaprada I wouldn't bother trying to talk sense to them. They responded to a survivor opening up about their trauma and how the story was offensive to them with, and I quote "Boo, you whore." Clearly they're not someone who listens to reason or is compassionate in any way.


@ -RUNAWAYGIRL  Lmfao wtf is wrong with you? Now for real? You're writing me in the dms that I'm whore and write about Killua what isn't even true and has nothing to do with this topic??? You blocked me without leaving me a chance to respond just after making such a fake claim and insult me. Like I was literally trying to be nice with you but I just have so much patience so grow tf up and stop acting so immature ffs. Can't believe how one person can be so goddamn ignorant and toxic


This. I wrote about this topic but the person here definitely did a better job than I did and explained it with a lot more details and depth. Please share this, it's so important for more people to read an realize that sexual assault/rape etc isn't something to mess with


There really is an author with 10k followers that fetishized incest in almost very book. Having a little sister of their own i believe and it's really concerning


@ hikohiroXharuhi  I don't know the name anymore but the stories are like from 2017?? And they were up for so long, the author isn't writing anymore since 2019 I think but it's concerning that he has so many followers


I just saw a book on them. It’s insane. 



I was going to read your book but it’s gone? Did you unpublished it or was it taken down? 


@ -G0MUG0MU  it was taken down by wattpad, probably because of the screenshots from the private messages


@ -izzyvia-  yes, I think because of the screenshots from the private messages 