i make fanfics about attack on titan pokemon and my own fics of my own stories and ocs but sometimes i do requests and i also do crossovers of animes and movies and im planning on make a crossover of attack on titan and how to train your dragon! if you guys wanna reade it soon just let me know ^^

eu faço fanfics sobre attack on titan pokemon e minhas próprias fics de minhas próprias histórias e ocs mas as vezes faço pedidos e também faço crossovers de animes e filmes e estou planejando fazer um crossover de attack on titan e como treinar seu dragão! se vocês quiserem ler em breve é ​​só me avisar ^^
  • Santa Catarina - Brasil
  • InscritJuly 26, 2022

Dernier message
kasami1400 kasami1400 Feb 10, 2023 07:20PM
Ok ok hold on listen to my ideaHow to train your dragon x attack on titan Instead of dragon riders it would be TITAN RIDERS ill tell more about it soon
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