Here is a snippet of my rewritten version of These Scars (I think this snippet has a lot to do with the overall message and I'm getting so excited to give everyone the new version!) :
Then we get involved with things that we have strong opinions on and directly affect us. But once we voice our opinions, we're told to go back to school and learn more as we're not educated enough to have a say.
Female teenagers see male leaders in our government telling women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
Teens of all colors see racial injustice everywhere around them. They see so much of it they slowly become numb and oblivious, thinking that sort of behavior is acceptable.
We, teens, see climate change destroying everything around us. However, people find it crazy that we care so much about our planet and it's possible future.
When we experience and take notice of the problems that we face when wanting a higher education, and demand change, people think we're lazy and delusional.
And finally, when we speak out against gun violence because we see it happening around us. We see our fellow students falling to gun violence. We know the fear of going to school nowadays, but we're told we're too young to understand.
I want to change that.