
I just re-read A dare and some of my works, and I can say that it was kind of bad and cringe but I'm glad y'all still like it. I am quite not sure when will I update them, but for now, just stay tune for another new story, which will contain around 12-16 chapters, and it's Tanjirou x Kanao again!! Haha who's surprised?
          	Anyways... Have a good day, everyone! 


I just re-read A dare and some of my works, and I can say that it was kind of bad and cringe but I'm glad y'all still like it. I am quite not sure when will I update them, but for now, just stay tune for another new story, which will contain around 12-16 chapters, and it's Tanjirou x Kanao again!! Haha who's surprised?
          Anyways... Have a good day, everyone! 


Are your TanKana one shots set in Taisho ear Japan which is in the manga canon or made up stories you made yourself? When will you release the second part of TanKana: Feeling?


And also, thank you very much for the support! I really appreciate it. 


@Animeandgamingfan854 Hiii!! In the very top of every one-shot, it is indicated whether it is in Modern AU or Taisho Era, but if you're talking about the Tankana: Feeling, I'd say that's in the Taisho Era, and about updating it, I am not so sure, but let's hope I would hehe. 


@kashiii-san Your Demon Slayer one shots are cute, just asking because in canon Tanjiro and Kanao are married in Demon Slayer manga.


Hi everyone! Kashiko here.
          So I just graduated Senior High this month, hehe congrats to me! Graduated with High Honors and awarded for Best Research, who would've thought! 2 years passed by quickly..
          So I'm in a vacation right now, and I'm not sure how long will this last, but about my books! Yes! I'm still won't be able to update it, but!!! I can create One-Shots for a while (in my Book "All Too Well" so still Stay Tune!
          Have a nice day/afternoon/night everyone!


Kashiii, im so glad Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see and read your writings again!!


@KnyNovel Thank you so much, Wan-san! 


Dam I have been inactive for like months! And I really apologise for that, I do really want to finish He and Her and A dare, but I am soooo much of a grade conscious person, and I'd like to focus on my studies very much, though I am really glad that as I came back from this account, those stories are still a hit, thank you everyone!
          I am not sure when would I be able to update since I'll be stepping in to College next year, and I don't think I would still have the time to focus on writing, let's hope I can still do it, even for just to finish my 2 stories.
          That's all for it, have a nice day/night!