My heart quite literally breaks every time I see a Tiktok post or a clip on TV, showcasing the pain that Palestinians are having to experience. I recently saw a video of a Palestinian journalist who has lost his entire family. His wife and two - extremely young - children were taken from him because of this genocide. That is just a tiny fraction of what Palestinians are having to experience.
What is even more baffling is that people still continue to side with Israel, despite what they are doing. All it takes is reading one statsitic to understand the extent to which this is NOT okay. In just one week, Israel have dropped more bombs on Gaza alone than the US did on Afghanistan in an entire year.
Gaza's population is 50 percent children. That means that every time a bomb is dropped on Gaza, there's a 50 percent chance of a child being killed. I can't believe that we're having to talk about the murder of children for it to register in people's minds that this is not okay.
No matter who you are, you can help to make a difference on this matter. Whether you're donating to charities, boycotting brands, attending protests or posting about it. All of these things make a difference.
The worst thing you can do is remain indifferent. Don't turn a blind eye and shut off your phone just because you can. The people of Palestine don't have that option. This is their reality. Make it your reality aswell.
75 years of oppression. 75 years and all it takes is one minute to post about this. As humans, we owe them that much. Because, let me remind you, this is not just a Muslim issue. This is not an Arab issue only. This is human rights.