
I apologise for my hiatus, I've just been so caught up in many numbers of things that I haven't really had a chance to write on this account... 
          	Although you guys should also check out my other account too, seeing as that is where any and all of my writing focus is, it isn't really the same as this one, I have more serious stories over there, more gorey ones... so if you want to go check it out you should do so... and If you can't figure out my other account you can just message me and I can point you in the right direction!
          	I'm so sorry all, one day maybe I will come back and finish what I started here... after editing of course, because I cringe whenever I read Walls of Glass, but still, one day I will fix that... 
          	But for now! Thank you all for being great followers and sticking around even when I suck... I am so sorry...


I apologise for my hiatus, I've just been so caught up in many numbers of things that I haven't really had a chance to write on this account... 
          Although you guys should also check out my other account too, seeing as that is where any and all of my writing focus is, it isn't really the same as this one, I have more serious stories over there, more gorey ones... so if you want to go check it out you should do so... and If you can't figure out my other account you can just message me and I can point you in the right direction!
          I'm so sorry all, one day maybe I will come back and finish what I started here... after editing of course, because I cringe whenever I read Walls of Glass, but still, one day I will fix that... 
          But for now! Thank you all for being great followers and sticking around even when I suck... I am so sorry...


First, Thanks to all the new follows, I am sooo happy you can join the awesome sauce group:p 
          Second, I suck, very much, and I am so very sorry:( But I must do this. Well I don't have to but school and Gnargh. I also participated in NaNoWriMo this November (finished early some how) but that's besides the point. I shall be updating within the next few weeks (HAPPY DANCE) but I should also warn you that one of my friends has given me and a few select others a challenge to write a story in his perspective, all about him and yada yada yada more on the actual challenge later. I'm going to partake in this challenge and this story must be finished by January 31st. I'm going to start posting THAT on Wattpad instead of uploading my other stuff until the story is done. THEN I will get back on track and I WILL finish all the stories I have started before taking on anymore extra stuff (excluding school work) I PROMISE! no I SWEAR on all my chocolate and cookies and cake and pie (yes my pie, this is how you know that I mean it) that I will finish these stories as soon as I am finished this challenge alright? 
          Thank you my lovelies, and thank you all for being understanding! 
          Yours truly,


Oh my gosh! I almost had a heart attack after reading how many read Walls of Glass has gotten... Thank you all soooo much! I love you all and I am so happy!
          and yes, I am actually working on the next update for Walls of Glass right now... so get excited!
          And again, Thank you guys so much