
Hi guys (: 
          	So I guess that chapter 35 of The Runaway Mate wasn't showing up for some people so I took it down and republished it in hopes that it would fix the problem. So if you couldn't read it go and give it a try and let me know if it works for you guys 


@kate241 Please finish the ALPHAS return.... please, please, please



 Heyy, came across The Runaway Mate and I absolutely loved it. You have a way with words that by far kept me glued to my screen till the epilogue and I had to go see for the sequel too. Will wait for your update to the Alpha’s Return, hopefully you’ll come back to this portal. 
          If you ever do think of publishing them both, please do share the details:)


Read runaway mate and I was blown away. It was so good. I was going to read the next one but it looks like something happened. Since it says updated in 2015 my heart is broken that you might not be on her anymore. I hope you will see this and come back.