Is everybody ready for a new Dining With the Royals chapter? Because I sure am. Well lucky for you, there’s one coming today! Yes you heard me right, today!
I have been preoccupied with exams and going away since the last chapter but I now have a free holiday and will *try* get a few more chapters up before the end of the year.
Whilst you’re waiting for Dining With the Royals, you could always check out my newer book, Saving Skye. It’s already got 21 chapters so it can keep you busy whilst you’re waiting on new chapters.
And finally, even though it’s off topic, I just thought I should share this amazing book I found. It’s called “The warrior and the Alpha”. It is a werewolf book but it is different to all the others I have read and I’m hooked. It is probably the best one I’ve read!
Anyways- Have a good day everyone!