Hi everyone I'm back and can't wait to get back into my travlyn book, but first there are a few things I need to go over with you all, first thing I was 9 when I started to write my travlyn book and I was really bad at spelling, I know I couldn't spell Dante and other things, but the thing that disgusted me was just looking at the comments and seeing people put "if you were a real Aphmau fan then you would know how to spell Dante," and other things like that there is one thing I need to say to them people, you were picking on a nine your old who wanted to kill herself, so there you go but anyway leaving this on a positive knot I will be continuing the travlyn book and creating other books that I hope you will like. So thank you for taking your precious time to read this thank you goodbye for now.

@WeirdlySerious it's not rude at all I understand why you want me to write more, I've been off and on for at least 2 years now and you must be sick of waiting but I am back now and I'm going to try and be more active