
@2363009ken I love your book so much I really do I just wish there were no cuss words cuz that's not cool and your making me wanna stop reading every time I see them tbh cuz I don't want my mind filled with nonsense but keep going I just hope you can kick out the cuss words thanks :)


@2363009ken I love your book so much I really do I just wish there were no cuss words cuz that's not cool and your making me wanna stop reading every time I see them tbh cuz I don't want my mind filled with nonsense but keep going I just hope you can kick out the cuss words thanks :)


Thank you so much for reading my story. I just updated it so go check it out. I just wanted you to know that your support is greatly appreciated and you have to be one of my best fans! You are a great supporter so thanks so much:)