
bruce wayne taking up the nightwing mantle was not on my 2024 bingo sheet


get that giant man out of nighwing’s suit, he’s gonna stretch it out!


even more fundraisers for families in gaza! if you can donate, even the smallest amount makes a difference. if not, please share!!
          jayan & family https://gofund.me/7aed5d01
          aya & family https://gofund.me/04de3485
          (via @crierayla)
          obada & family https://gofund.me/1214de83 (via @tmrscovenx)
          and even more in these masterlists!!


i need more folks thoughts on whether fanfic can break boycott!!! like writing a fic for something owned by disney or amazon etc. even if i put in the disclaimer “hey don’t support these projects, boycott, boycott, boycott, pirate, pirate, pirate, free palestine etc.” could i still be inadvertently supporting/advertising said thing owned by a zio-company?????


i don’t believe it breaks boycott as long as you do the disclaimer bc it sends no support or profit toward the company. tho it does break boycott ofc if u use their services to write the fic but ik u prob know that lmao


@kateprydes i think it's okay because (1) they don't profit off of your work (2) you're essentially taking something they own and changing it (3) the disclaimers in the fic can help raise awareness!!


this message may be offensive
the amount of times i had to explain that the blatantly antisemitic and actual nazi shit seen at pro-palestine protests are from white supremist agitators who know they won’t get blamed and not from the folks protesting a genocide is truly insane. these are the same people inciting ‘riots’ during the blm protests in 2020. it’s not that hard to comprehend.


friendly reminder the conflation of jews and zionism, a problem seen in both zionists and anti-zionists, is zionist propaganda (: