decided fuck it, and did it earlier than expected. New multifandom tumblr: decoydeku, running it using my real name ahah. gonna try reply to all the comments that asked for it lol,, anyway, that's it from me x
“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking. Because her trust is not in the branch, but in her own wings. Always believe in yourself. You got this.”
decided fuck it, and did it earlier than expected. New multifandom tumblr: decoydeku, running it using my real name ahah. gonna try reply to all the comments that asked for it lol,, anyway, that's it from me x
For those of you who don’t know I’m leaving Wattpad. (Check my works for endings to unfinished fics & explanation)
I’ll probably still read from time to time but I will no longer be writing on here.
thank you so much for everything.
i deadass listened to bts for 117hrs this year. On top of that, I listened to Twice for 49hrs. But??? my top song for 2019 was slow dancing in the dark??? lmao what goes on in my spotify idk
IMPORTANT: because exams are coming up so soon, I don't think I'll have time to sit down and write Nefarious this week. So unfortunately, there will be no update this weekend and it will be another three weeks :/ I'm sorry guys, but school comes first x