
Happy new year everyone! Probably gonna start book 7 sometime this month, keep an eye out for the update!


Hey everyone, I made a Tumblr blog for The Dragoso Series if anyone wants to give it a follow. Can keep up with any art I have for TDS and if it comes to it, any fanart I find. I announce chapters being posted on there as well in case Wattpad doesn't send out notifications. (It hasn't been doing that for a lot of the stuff I have notifications set for on my phone. Rude much?) Anyway, give it a follow if you'd like.


So because Wattpad is being rude, or my internet, i don't know, but I can't access my works without the website timing out on me. I can't post anything new until I figure out what's wrong. I can't post through the mobile app cause i write my stuff on another program and just copy and paste, and copy/paste doesn't agree with my phone. Sorry everyone, I'll update when things smooth out.


Anybody getting flooded with notifications of me updating the Book of Dragoso? Might wanna shut those off for a bit if you do, I got like 50 more chapters to post and I plan on finishing it tonight XD


I lied and fell asleep before I could finish, will get the rest of it done later today