
hi! just checking in. i know i’m on break indefinitely, but i have been active on instagram posting about books i’ve been reading. so, if you want to follow me on that, you can find my insta account in my bio!! hope to see you all there


if you’re on my instagram then you know i just had my first Q & A and it was so much fun!! as you guys know, i’m a college student so it was interesting to see what kinds of questions you guys had about my experiences!! cant wait to do more and hope to be writing this weekend!! (ps: thinking in the shower can cause great motivation and inspiration)


hello!! long time no see. here’s an update:
          i’ve had quite the writers block with Finding Bad. which is probably what i get for going straight into it after the end of Being Bad. it’s like i try and start a chapter and then end up deleting everything because i’m just writing utter nonsense, and i don’t to publish half-assed chapters. i don’t. but i can’t help but dread sitting down and writing because i can’t think of words to write down or what i want my characters to say next. 
          thank you all so much for being patient with me. but in order to start uploads that consistent and actually good content, i need to step back and read, think, and clear my mind. so that’s what i’ll be doing the next couple of weeks. i won’t be stressing about uploads, i’ll write when i think is the right time. 
          love you all. see you so soon!!


hi all!! i have some time next week to write the next half of the chapter i’m currently on for Finding Bad. i know updates are incredibly slow, but please bear with me. managing my time has been really hard lately. chapter 10 is coming soon i promise!!