
my heart breaks for every person close to Liam. his family, his son, his girlfriend, his friends and also to all the fans. rest in peace, Liam Payne. you'll be missed️


wow im not dead- no way *shocked face*
          no, no, im sorry :Dd i came here again to ask questiones! 
          so, curently, i am writing one fanfic (wow) - its marvel, especially, loki. and i am also writing poems (in czech tho, but the book is in english)
          i came here to ask if someone would be actually interensted in seeing the book/the loki fanfic or the poems. the fanfic may be trash cuz english is not my first language and it could also be full of mistakes but- i like the idea and i can't write it in czech hah. so feel free to actually write here anything! your opinion about it, if you would like to see any of it! than you for your attention!
          be safe and take care of yourself!
          kate xx


@kathrex_  helloo, i'm not dead here as well (kind of) and honestly if u still have them - gimme the poems asap plspls :Dd


hádej kdo zase na něco zapomeněl? THIS B!TCH RIGHT HERE :D
          přeju vám jen to nejlepší do nového roku<3 třeba se někdy ještě uvidíme u nějakých knížek které někdy napíšu, who knows :D<33
          love yall, take care of yourself<3


i forgot about this platform a bit lol
          nevím jestli tu se mnou vůbec ještě někdo dostal - každopádně...
          popřála bych taky den dětí ale ten už jaksi skoro skončil, takže alespoň doufám že jste si ho užili <3
          (also happy bday to me ig)
          have a great night you all~
          you are loved xx