@ A_nameless_Dreamer_ Ok then…QwQ Guess I'm still have to wait a little longer. The thing is, I still want to translate it, and I suppose I should ask for your permission. Plz say yes! T^T
@A_nameless_Dreamer_ we were just kind of making it up as we went. If we decide to update it, we will, but as of right now it's not going to be continued.
I'm quite sure that you did plan something when you wrote the latest chapter, 'cause another knot has been made, and I feel like the curtains are going to be pulled down. Plz tell me they are. TwT
Please continue writing ‘when these wingless birds take flight’. It’s so wonderfully written by a person with so much talent and potential that it would heartbreaking if you just discontinued/never finished it.
@Phangirl22104 I am continuing it (hopefully!)
I updated it a few days ago I think, and the next should be up fairly soon
thank you so much <3 I will do my best to finish it