How did you find wattpad? I made a author page on Facebook that I would post my chapters on. However, no one would like or even comment a single word on any of them. And then someone had messaged my page and said to come here and I checked it out and loved it.
When did you start writing? Ever since I can remember, I would write poems or songs. When I turned twelve, I made a short story and posted it on a site that my friend and I would go on, called, and the people on there said that they got inspired by my writing and some started to write stories themselves. I loved how I inspired many people to become writers and the way how I have this unconditional passion for writing, I decided from then on, that I will become an author when I grow up, and here at sixteen, I'm working hard to make that dream come real.
What is your inspiration? Dreams. No, really, sleeping and having a dream. They give me good ideas. Ha. xD
What are your story/stories called? The one that is greater than any of the stories I have ever made, is called A Nightmare's Fate. It's a non-teen fiction, dramatic romance, tragedy thing.
Do you enjoy writing? Yes, I love it!
What is your favourite genre? My favorite genre(s) would be action, mystery, adventure, thriller. I've gotten into romance, but not as much as I like those genres.
Have you written a story using your favourite genre? I tried. Never worked out. Yeah, I tried to write MANY stories in mystery/thriller and action/adventure, and it never worked because the writing wasn't good enough. Then all of a sudden, I make a romance book... and it's great. I don't understand... And romance is my least favorite.
Anything extra you'd like to add? If you ever want to talk, I'm here. (: