this message may be offensive
Hey guys I've been meaning to send this message for a while now I just hadn't got round to it. I've been but busy busy!
Firstly: I have my final exams which basically decide my whole future in exactly 22 days and I am soooo stressed right now. I probably won't be able to update until mid June, which is awful of me, I know. I simply don't have time! :(
Secondly:I have been noticing about of negative comments recently, particularly on my first book. By no means is it perfect, but people have to keep in mind it was the first thing I'd ever properly written and I was only 13 at the time. I know there are lots of mistakes, I know it's cringey and I know some it replicates the actual book. I know all this. But it still hurts when people comment hurtful things calling it and me "shit" and other nasty names. I know I have go edit it and change a lot of the story line, and I will once I've finished the series. It's vey disheartening and it really upsets me sometimes, I feel like why should I bother?
Thirdly: I see a lot of people commenting that there are no external links. Trust me, they are there. You can't access them if you are in the app as far as I'm aware, but you can if in safari or google or a laptop.
Finally: I love you all! You are great inspirations and keep me motivated! Your support and kindness always surprises me!
-Katie xoxo