
Hey Everyone, just wanted to let you guys I've posted an Authors Note in Eclipse :) Read it if you get a chance :)


Hey Guys! New update on the way, I promise! Last night at 4am in the midst of a migraine I was hit with a lot of drowsy inspiration <3 I Love You All! -Katie xoxo


@katie112 I'll have to go and reread all three stories before you do so I'm all caught up. 
            Soooo excited!!!


@katie112 yay I can't wait!!!!!


Hey, I just wanted to say that a few days ago, I started reading your books. It only took me a few days to read all of them so far... They are just so interesting and amazing. Twilight was already my favorite series, but you took it way further!! Honestly these fanfics that you have been writing are incredible!!! I just wanted to tell you that you are an amazing writer and I think that you have a potential in being a writer for real!! 


@AliceCullen2244  your message actually brought tears to my eyes, thank you much, you don't know hoe much it meant to me ❤️❤️❤️


@katie112 sorry I made you cry lol. Although it sounds like it was happy tears :p. 
            Know that I meant every word. Sometimes people are so quick to judge and they just post hate comments because they don't understand that writers on here are real people with real lives and real priorities, not just monkeys chained to computers writing 24/7 :p. 
            Best of luck with all your personal things and I do hope that at some point, when there is time, you can come back to this story and write some more :-) <3


Hey katie. Haven't been on here in a while (been busy myself lol) and I just saw your message from about 2 weeks ago. First off best of luck with your exams. Im sure you will ace them and get any future you want :p. 
          Secondly, if people are calling you nasty names or bashing your story than please please please for the love of all that is holy DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM!! (Sorry for the theatrics but I have no bigger pet peeve than people hating on other people for absolutely no reason, especially when they are hiding online behind a screen). Yes your story has spelling/grammar errors and I'm sure that there is plot that can be tweaked/ironed out, but overall this series is AMAZING!!!!!! It is such a fresh and unique idea that you came up with and I am a huge fan. I can't wait to see how this ends and how this Bella will handle Nessie/vampire life. I also can't wait to see what role (if any) jake will play in these books. You are such a budding young talent so please don't let the haters get you down. Some people are so bored that they have nothing better to do than bash the talented people that they wish they were. 
          I might not know you but I'm sure you are awesome. Please keep writing whenever you have time. And until then, best of luck with exams and life. :-) <3


this message may be offensive
Hey guys I've been meaning to send this message for a while now I just hadn't got round to it. I've been but busy busy!
          Firstly: I have my final exams which basically decide my whole future in exactly 22 days and I am soooo stressed right now. I probably won't be able to update until mid June, which is awful of me, I know. I simply don't have time! :(
          Secondly:I have been noticing about of negative comments recently, particularly on my first book. By no means is it perfect, but people have to keep in mind it was the first thing I'd ever properly written and I was only 13 at the time. I know there are lots of mistakes, I know it's cringey and I know some it replicates the actual book. I know all this. But it still hurts when people comment hurtful things calling it and me "shit" and other nasty names. I know I have go edit it and change a lot of the story line, and I will once I've finished the series. It's vey disheartening and it really upsets me sometimes, I feel like why should I bother? 
          Thirdly: I see a lot of people commenting that there are no external links. Trust me, they are there. You can't access them if you are in the app as far as I'm aware, but you can if in safari or google or a laptop. 
          Finally: I love you all! You are great inspirations and keep me motivated! Your support and kindness always surprises me! 
          -Katie xoxo