♥ I'm 18 years old I love animals in fact I have a cat and his name is Thomas and if you follow me I follow back  and I also love children  when I'm out of high school I want to be a Kindergarten  teacher. Also I love god! I'm a proud Christen! I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, so I write tons of love stories!  웃❤유 I Love Titanic, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and last but simply not least The Lucky One.
And don't forget to make my button change colors too! Have a great day guys! And thanks for reading all this, and if you didn't and just skipped down to this, I wont tell! ;)
Love Katie

  • InscritFebruary 28, 2013

Dernier message
katiecakecupcake katiecakecupcake Dec 02, 2013 04:25AM
@musically_yours_2016  yes Noah I did just follow you..  I am your best friend you know lol
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