
Some people say that you should follow your dreams and i believe it, you should. Follow what your heart wants believe big, dream great and expect absolutely nothing from others. Sometimes you cant trust people even if they say they wont hurt you or be obnoxious its a lie. My life was great and then i moved a whole two states away. I lost all my friends and i only talk to one out of my three best friends. It sucks i mean i would know, having to start all over again in a new place with new things can get over stressful not only that but with family problems its even harder everyone blames you and you dont have anyone to talk to you feel trapped in a hole with no way out and the only thing to look out is the glass roof. The glass roof with dozens of people staring down at you, you cant hide what you feel you cant do anything but let time pass by and you still feel alone stuck, on the other side of a thin breakable piece of glass  that you can't escape.


Some people say that you should follow your dreams and i believe it, you should. Follow what your heart wants believe big, dream great and expect absolutely nothing from others. Sometimes you cant trust people even if they say they wont hurt you or be obnoxious its a lie. My life was great and then i moved a whole two states away. I lost all my friends and i only talk to one out of my three best friends. It sucks i mean i would know, having to start all over again in a new place with new things can get over stressful not only that but with family problems its even harder everyone blames you and you dont have anyone to talk to you feel trapped in a hole with no way out and the only thing to look out is the glass roof. The glass roof with dozens of people staring down at you, you cant hide what you feel you cant do anything but let time pass by and you still feel alone stuck, on the other side of a thin breakable piece of glass  that you can't escape.


          the day was normal woke up  at five got my sister up and then read untill six got dressed went to the bus stop . got on the bus and laughed my but off with my sister.when we got to school i got breakfast wich included soggy apple slices dry crusty pancakes and some watered down white milk. Me bei g the nice person i am splited it with my sister. when the bell rand i went to my firdt period and then second and third the only class i have with my friend.anfter that fun time and n art i went to fourth period and then.. lunch.it was great i sat by my friend rayah and cat too. she was a little sad so rayah gave her a hug.The kids at the next table asked if they were dating wich of course they werent their just besties. They wouldnt answer so i did for them i said "No their not dating so get back to your own businesses" i could swear i felt my throat close up i was so embarrassed but i dis it because rayah showed me that not everybody at the school dosnt like "new" after that we went outside so cat could get away from all this nonsense.i talked to her and told her they dont know dilly squat and she should just ignore them. she wanted to go back and sya something she did say a few bad word and then sat down.rayah and i followed and asked what she said and she told us.They kept looking bsck at us rayah and cat didnt say anything so me of course asked what they wanted and the guy i asked that to got up and went to the table next to theirs.and then KJ a kid in my math class comes up and tells me the guy that moved liked me did i believe it kinda but  i dont care who he likes he hurt my first friend at this state and plus hes part of the i-act-cool-cause-i-can type of guy.like ewww no


not a great thi g especially when your old enough to know that people at your new school dont like "new". The school im going to well see i started on a tuesday and i was so so nervous. I didnt know what to wear what i was supposed to do or where to go  i was scared. but im not going to contuine with the first day and then go on to what happrned today. Ill save that for another day but ill tell you what happened today.


people wonder why i don't  share my feelings.
          i don't share my feelings because i know deep down that somewhere along the lines that person will tell someone else. 
          I don't share my feelings because i don't want sympathy from others.
          I don't share my feelings because i know if i do the walls i built up would come crashing down on me slowly.
          I don't share my feelings because I know that if I do the rest of those "feelings" would eventually spill out and I would be like an open book.


Thanks for adding my story to your reading lists :) I hope you enjoy reading it x


@katiegurl2232 Thankyou!! You made my night, really :(


@rebel_xx well his princess was really well written and I enjoyed it