
Hey guys! I'm currently working on a new story that I have some inspiration for over Christmas break. I'm not going to upload anything until I'm closer to being finished with the book. Anyway this new book will be an Anthony Trujillo, team 10 fan fiction! As soon as I feel like it's in a good place I will start uploading. I actually reread what little I had posted for Jessie's girl and I might take it down this summer and redo it and actually finish it! Would anyone like that? Feedback welcomed on both ideas. And I know I'm horrible at uploading but I'm a pre- nursing student and life gets hectic. 


Hey guys! I'm currently working on a new story that I have some inspiration for over Christmas break. I'm not going to upload anything until I'm closer to being finished with the book. Anyway this new book will be an Anthony Trujillo, team 10 fan fiction! As soon as I feel like it's in a good place I will start uploading. I actually reread what little I had posted for Jessie's girl and I might take it down this summer and redo it and actually finish it! Would anyone like that? Feedback welcomed on both ideas. And I know I'm horrible at uploading but I'm a pre- nursing student and life gets hectic. 


Hey so I am so so so so so sorry I haven't updated but I have went back to school and my senior has been crazy so far with homework! To all my always a toretto readers I have got part of the next chapter written but I have serious writers block! For my jesses girl readers that story will be on hold until I get more time to write and lastly for my 17 again readers, my sweet little puppy destroyed the notebook I was writing it in so I'm having to rewrite what I had and I'm not sure when I will have time in between anatomy Econ health science child development and English to write and this weekend is te kick off to football season! I will update as soon as I can! 


Hey guys!! I am going to try to write tomorrow but don't hold it to me! I am currently going on 4 hours of sleep and I have been goin goin since 7 this morning and it is currently 10:30 here!! Earlier in the week a few communities close to where I live had some tornadoes come through that devastated that area. I felt like since it was so close I should be helping in the project to give them some normalcy back in their life! So today one of my moms friend and I went to Athens al area to help with whatever needed to be done. We were planning on helping in a physical way, like picking up debris and help people go through the rubble that was once their homes. But we were put in the food pick up place.even though some of these people had lost everything they were still smiling knowing that they had people that cared!! Let me just say that is was so rewarding and helped me know that I want to do something that will help people for the rest of my life! Sorry for such a long post I just wanted to let you know about my wonderful experience with volunteer work!


Sorry it has been a little while since I last updated..... Anyway it is really pretty here in bama so I decided I would sit outside and write y'all a chapter..... I don't know when it will be out but it will be soon hopefully.