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I’m sorry I haven’t been writing or even updated you guys. I’ve been busy but mostly really depressed. I obviously can’t post how I feel on social media because I’ll just get people asking me if I’m ok or what does this mean or just keep asking me what’s wrong. This is the only place I can vent and no one will torture me by asking me what’s wrong. Today just hasn’t been the best from what’s been going on with my mom and the fucking divorces. I just feel like my mom doesn’t care about me anymore. I mean I know she loves me but ever since I moved in with my dad. I felt like I was nothing to her. It’s like I don’t even exist to her anymore. She never lets me know what’s going on with my sisters or when they have meets. She never calls me. Everyone says I need to try harder on getting a relationship with her but how can I do that if she doesn’t want it. All she ever does is lie to me. I can’t even trust my own mother. She doesn’t even know how much she hurts me. I guess I’m just a fuck up, a mistake, a disappointment. I didn’t if I even want to be here anymore. My mom was my world. I would do everything with her. And now it’s like I wasn’t even born to her. Anyways thx for letting me vent. I really needed to let this out. I tried so hard not to cry while writing this but of course I did and I’m sorry for that. I love you guys and thank you all for the support y’all give me.