
New book in the works  


Hello, everyone, my last post was said for a reason I was mad and sad that beautiful girls label themselves as ugly if it offended you by my word choice then I am personally sorry but I am speaking the truth when I say that a guy or another girl should not say mean things to other people and I am tired of it I see it in real life and on watt pad to people who are kind and nice if you're someone who spoke bad words about someone else ........ then clean it up people are suffering from diseases bc of hurtful words and actions


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i need to get something off my chest...... can someone tell me why beautiful or heck gorgeous girls are calling themselves "ugly" "fat" "dumb" "retarded" i dont get it those hurtful words bring down esteems ruins people i know for a fact that my life is now messed up bc i had 4 years of people telling me that im ugly and fat that is why im so messed up but my friend or anyone for a fact should never be treated like i was those words were make to hurt to lower self esteems so please if you have a friend who is using those hurtful stop them dont let them bring themselves down just because other people told them they are something when they are not