@Justin_Bieburr oh! I'm really sorry but I didn't mean to. See, I have read a lot of Dakota Goyo stories that are really similar so I kinda took some ideas and tried to put my own twist to it. I actually read your story after I had started mine. The point of my story is basically that that she is new to town (like many other stories) and she has never heard of this kid. He likes her a lot but his girlfriend gets in the way. He brakes up with her but isn't yet sure if he wants to tell anyone and is trying to decide whether or not to date her. Katie on the other hand is telling herself she could care less about him, but there are those moments when she is not sure of herself. All in all, I am terribly sorry if it seems that I have stole your ideas I tried not to steal anyone's. I will do better and will work harder with more original ideas. I hope you can forgive me!
P.S. I absolutely love your story! Are you going to update soon?