
There's a few lines I forgot to put in the final draft for the Intrepid chapter for tb&ta. Go on and give the prison scene a final re-read.


Any writers out there that write their own fics without a script I kinda need a hand here to ask you how you do it so perfectly, asking for a friend 


I just think about what I want to happen and just write about it or come up with ideas while writing


I just sit down and go with the flow of what I'm thinking or feeling in that moment of what I'm writing and just see where is goes


@katrezi depends what's happening 


The Squirrel Girl story will return eventually with my own plot that I'll follow. Only major catch is that a certain somebody will be the 2nd and last Love Interest. 
          It will be Mirko. To anyone who remembers my old My Hero book you're welcome. 


Btw since ya doing blue beetle and invincible would ya add brainiac in this story and link him to robot/rudy  arc  in comics since I feel like brainiac would be perfect in that arc 
          Especially have to be a nod in the whole lex luthor and brainiac fusion arc if ya know what I mean


@electricdragon0 Boy oh boy... you're in for something major in these final chapters. Stick around until March 13th for a game changer 