Because I haven't updated in forever, and I know you ate me, and yet still love me, because I'm so loveable, and also because I am not going to be able to update over Spring break, because I am going to Guatemala, and then won't be able to update much over Summer break, because I am going to Europe(WOOHOO!!! Look at me! Actually having a life for once in five years!) and so, I am going to not update for a while- well crap, I just realized that tere are also finals, so FUN! Anyways, I will not update for a little bit, and then I will have a lot of updates, and they will be long too, so, sorry, but enjoy! And, I might just update early if I can. Just took the ACT for the third time! YAY! Not. Then had AP Calc right after. Anyways, I'm done with this, so have fun! And I'll get back to writing right now!!!!!